Someone is reading my e-mails. They have figured out my password. How do I change it without changing my address?How do I change my yahoo e-mail password without changing my e-mail address?Click on My Account which is under your ID. Verify password and you will see where it says Change Password.How do I change my yahoo e-mail password without changing my e-mail address?1. Sign in to any Yahoo! service 2. Click on any %26quot;Account Info%26quot; link 3. Choose %26quot;Change Password%26quot;How do I change my yahoo e-mail password without changing my e-mail address?If you click on %26quot;My Account%26quot; on any Yahoo! service, you'll find a page titled %26quot;Account Information%26quot;.
You should see your name, Yahoo! ID, Yahoo! Mail Address, and a heading called %26quot;Password%26quot; below that.
Here's the shortcut link for changing your password:
Then, simply type in your current password in the box at the top, and your new password in the bottom two.
Account Information page:
Beware that the person who has figured out your password, may change it before you do.