Well.. my e-mail recently got hacked by a chinese person, because I play 'WoW' AKA World of Warcraft. And when I tried to recover my e-mail it had some chinese letters in it. (not trying to offend Chinese people btw!) but I called the company of WoW, Blizzard. I had an alternate e-mail which they asked for. So I told them about it and then they changed my e-mail and everything.
Well, but I also have several games on Steam which are account-binded. Steam still works fine I can log in and everything. But what if there's a problem and they have to send me an e-mail which I will not be able to read because I registered on Steam using my old e-mail which I don't use anymore. And when I try to go and settings to change my e-mail it tells me I have to go into my old e-mail for a confirmation code thing.
So if I buy something or I get banned or whatever I can't read any e-mails (I'm not sure if they send u an e-mail if u buy something) because I only have Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 which I bought in a store. But I want to buy the map-packs and maybe u have to fill in some confirmation thing which would be sent to ur e-mail (which is my old one). So all in all:
My e-mail got hacked and I can't change it in the Steam settings because it tells me I have to confirm it by an e-mail they will send me. And I can't confirm it because I'm unable to log into my old e-mail.
I tried posting a thread in the Steam forums but when you create a steam account it doesn't count as a forum account aswell so I had to make a steam-forum account. And it said that 'shortly' I would be sent an e-mail which I didn't get yet. Well it's been 2 hours now and I think it should NOT take that long. Oh, when I made the forum-specific account I filled in the new e-mail I use at the moment. But I think the confirmation thing is sent to my old hacked e-mail.
So I can't post a thread on there aswell which got me here.
It's not giving me problems to play anything but I just think I should change my e-mail!
I hope to be helped A.S.A.P. because I want to buy the map-packs and I'm not sure if I would be sent an e-mail to confirm something. But well, thats all.
- CheersMy E-mail got hacked and I can't change it in Steam?ugg really sorry for that
u cant do anything
try to remember your security question and recover if possible
other way no chanceeMy E-mail got hacked and I can't change it in Steam?All you have to do is change your password for your old hacked email and the hacker won't be able to get in anymore. Go create yourself a few new emails so you can change your alternates, and change your game passwords too.