Further to above I have been told you can use disposable e-mail addresses for let's say on-line purchases and when the spammers get hold of it you can dispense with it but at the same time use a different one for your contacts if that's correct can someone tell me how .I use yahooI am being overwhelmed with spam and to over come this I was thinking about changing my e-mail address?A disposable email address (ie: maileater.com. mailinator.com,) is just a temporary address that you can have mail sent to. The mail lasts around 30 mins before it is deleted. When you're ordering stuff, you shouldn't use these addresses, because they are not password protected, and anyone could access the email concerned. They're good however for signing up to forums, and the like.
You're better off just making a Yahoo/Hotmail account for stuff you do online, so you can scrap it anytime, and giving out your ISP address to friends only.I am being overwhelmed with spam and to over come this I was thinking about changing my e-mail address?If you click on the below link this site gives excellent advice on how to achieve a spam free inbox :
http://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/spI am being overwhelmed with spam and to over come this I was thinking about changing my e-mail address?There has been a huge increase in spam lately. I have started to use a free programme Mail Washer rated 5 out of 5 by consumeractive magazine. It's worth a try to see if it helps you. It's not perfect but it certainly helps me. Download from http://www.mailwasher.net/