Monday, September 19, 2011
How has e-mail changed business?
Or if you're a bussiness person why do you use e-mail aside from it obviously being faster than regular mail.How has e-mail changed business?Email is my business. I own a dating service on the Internet so I correspond with my customers via email. We could never go back to snail mail as people are looking for instant gratification and instant results just like here on Yahoo. Email has made communication faster, cheaper and for some companies made them more efficient.How has e-mail changed business?It has cut out a lot of the good cutomer service that comes with personal communication.How has e-mail changed business?people no longer have to have face to face communication like they use back in the early 90's and 70's.How has e-mail changed business?I try to use the old fashioned telephone because checking em just takes more time and then even more time to respond.Some is easier but not much.It's a time issue with myself.