Make an additional one to your present account and use the new name...You can make the new one the primary if you want by clicking on OPTIONS...MAILS OPTIONS...go to the left and click on ACCOUNT INFORMATION...resubmit your password...go to EDIT to the right of EMIAL INFO. change your prinmary in there after making a secondary...see below
To clarify what is below...when you add another name to the present account you will not lose anything...IE: contacts...address list. etc...You will have to send an email to all your friends advising them of the new email address...if someone makes a mistake and sends it to the email address you don't like anymore it will go to the same inbox so you don't lose any messages.
there used to be an easier way to let people know of your email address change, but yahoo has recently deleted that option when they made many changes to Yahoo...anyway...see below..
Click the link below to get an extra email address for your existing account. It麓s absolutely free. Use it just as you would for your primary address (which of course you can still use). To make things handy, you can send and receive email from either address from the same inbox.
for your added convenience I will add the following should you want a NEW account
Click this link and fill out the form to create a new account. last name has been changed , how do i change it without changing my e mail address?If the name you want to change is included in your account ID, you cannot change it. You will have to cancel the account and open a new one with the new information and password.
If not, you can go to, then click on: Options / mail options / account information; and change the info there.
If you wish to change the name showing in your 'From%26quot; line on out-going mail, go to, then click on Options / mail options / general preferences / the top 'From name' line, change to what you want
If you are talking about the name in your avatar:
Click on your avatar
Click on 'Edit my Info' and make changes there