Wednesday, September 14, 2011

When i try to confirm e mail address for yahoo groups all i get is error#5110 why?

i am trying to change e mail address to btinternet .com with yahoo and had e mail to click link to confirm e mail add and all i get is oops looks like our servers are having a break and error code shownWhen i try to confirm e mail address for yahoo groups all i get is error#5110 why?The best thing to do is contact your service provider, click help on top of page, right side.!!!

The system is full of glitches due to upgrades in yahoo.!!!When i try to confirm e mail address for yahoo groups all i get is error#5110 why?I am having the same issue. I have tried about 8 times to add my addy to Yahoo! Groups from my exising Yahoo! ID. I continue to receive error 5110 and I'm currently on the phone with a tech person that doesn't seem to have a clue. :-(

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